Asia Marketing Journal

Open Access Journal

Asia Marketing Journal (ISSN 1598-7868) publishes case studies as well as high-quality and original research presenting conceptual models, theories, methodologies, empirical results, and applications on any aspect/topic of marketing. AMJ is open to all methodologies (i.e., qualitative, quantitative, mixed), but manuscript should have conceptual rigor and potential to impact marketing theory and practice. AMJ is a double-blinded refereed journal with three reviewers, and is published in English quarterly in April, July, October and January.

- Asia Marketing Journal Website : 

- ISSN : 1598-7868
- Frequency : quarterly in April, July, October and January

Ji Hee Song, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing
University of Seoul, Korea
Moon Young Kang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Soongsil University, Korea